The "TB and Gender" training course consists of 6 modules (topics) covering a wide range of issues, including: gender; the difference between the concepts of sex and gender; the impact of gender and human rights issues on the effectiveness, access to, and sustainability of TB programs and services; how to take gender into account in TB prevention and treatment, etc.
This knowledge is necessary to reduce gender inequality and eliminate legal barriers impeding achievement of the SDGs in terms of TB control.
The wide target audience of the training course includes volunteers and activists from the TB-affected community; human rights defenders; NGOs working on TB control, women’s rights and empowerment; health providers, especially in primary health care and TB services.
The course has been developed by Evgenia Maron, public health specialist and consultant on women's capacity building at the Stop TB Partnership, and by Kristina Makhnicheva, physician and public health and human rights specialist. The co-authors are members of the TBpeople Network.
The online course "TB and Gender" has been made possible by funding provided by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GF) as a grant for implementation of TB-REP 2.0: Advancing People-Centered Quality TB Care – From the New Model of Care Towards Improving DR-TB Early Detection and Treatment Outcomes.
Views of the training course authors do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Global Fund, the Principal Recipient, and other partners of the TB-REP 2.0 project.